Rock Star Life- Gravi video (a damn good one).
Heading For a New Country- This video one Best In Action at Anime Boston last year and is what got me into Gungrave. It's
really good, Enjoy.
Cleanse- A really good Saiyuki AMV
Descendants of Darkness- Uber Emo DoD music video to the quietest Disturbed song ever, one of my favs too ^^
Forgive and Regret- A really awesome Gravitation AMV that found its way onto my Myspace profile a while ago
Internal Deviations- Another DoD video. This one is so awesome... Scream if you love Yaoi
Paint It Black- A Cowboy Bebop AMV to the Rolling Stone's Classic
Cruel- Yes, another DoD vid
Read or Die Another Day- A Read or Die AMV. This was a good movie, i never saw the series... ^^